Una produzione Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
Prima rappresentazione: 12/02/2019 Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Firenze
REGIA Luigi Di Gangi e Ugo Giacomazzi
SCENE Federica Parolini
COSTUMI Agnese Rabatti
LUCI Luigi Biondi
Florestan Docroquet Matteo Mezzaro
Suzanne Marina Ogii
Rosita Francesca Benitez
Martel Patrizio La Placa
Mamma Lucia Elena Zilio
ORCHESTRA Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
Tragedia e commedia insieme. L’avevano capito gli antichi greci che non rinunciavano a prendere in giro quelle stesse passioni per cui si soffre, ci si dilania, si muore. La vita nella sua essenza comica e tragica vista da due autori agli antipodi non può che riportarci così a quel teatro greco cui dobbiamo le nostre fondamenta di uomini prima che di teatranti. Ingabbiati nelle ipocrisie delle loro regole borghesi, i personaggi di Offenbach svolazzano come Uccelli in una voliera prendendosi gioco del matrimonio, della fedeltà, dello stesso amore per cui Mascagni fa soffrire e morire i suoi. Dove sta la verità? Esiste una forma più nobile dell’altra o entrambe ci offrono valide alternative, sagge possibilità, ricchezza emotiva? Noi le amiamo indifferentemente entrambi, e senza giudicare né l’una né l’altra, godiamo nell’ubriacare Turiddu e nel far cadere Florestan da un camino, perché ambedue le cose sono catartiche, anche se in modo diverso.
Considered one of the fathers of operetta – having composed about a hundred of them – Offenbach sung Paris’ joie di vivre during the Second Empire. He also scourged it for its vices as in his work he parodied the society of his day. A Husband at the Door is a mini comedy of errors: the lead character – a manager of operetta fleeing from both his creditors and the bailiff – mistakenly finds himself in the room of a married woman. The successive misunderstandings make for a series of exhilirating scenes accompanied by Offenbach’s brilliant music which moves as lightly as a waltz. As we celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of his birth, Jacques Offenbach’s operetta, A Husband at the Door, represents a light and ironic counterpoint to Mascagni’s passionate drama Cavalleria Rusticana with which it has been coupled by the Maggio Fiorentina theatre company. Tragedy and comedy go together. This is what the ancient Greeks knew as they never stopped poking fun at the very passions which we continue to suffer from and die for. Life in its tragic and comic nature seen by composers very different from each other can only lead us back to the Greek theatre to which we – first as human beings and then as actors – owe our origin. Caged in by the rules of bourgeois hypocrisy, Offenbach’s characters fly about like birds in an aviary making fun of marriage, faithfulness, love itself for all of which Mascagni makes us suffer. Where does the truth lie? Is one of them more noble than the other or do they both offer valid alternatives, wise possibilities, prized emotions? We love them both and, without judging them one way or the other, we like Turiddu getting drunk and having Floredana fall down a chimney . Both are cathartic in a different way.
Un mari à la porte